The art of singular living: rethinking accommodation entitlements

In March 2024, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) introduced its modernised accommodation offer (MAO) which includes upgrading its single living accommodation. But how can this fresh start be taken advantage of, and standards improved across the board? Our answer? Modular building (of course). But why? We have a proven track record in providing permanent buildings … Read more

Is solar power on track for its moment in the sun?

At Premier Modular, we’ve been proud proponents of solar panels for several years and have worked with many clients to include solar technology in their building designs. With a new government embedded, solar power is now on track to skyrocket with plans to triple the amount of it generated in the UK by 2030. For … Read more

Five steps to closing the circular economy loop

The move towards a circular economy is critical if the country is to achieve its Net Zero goals. With the construction industry generating 62% of the UK’s waste, it must lead the way in closing the circular economy loop. A circular economy is a system in which materials never become waste, as they’re kept in … Read more

Getting to know our compliance heroes

You know the saying: ‘not all heroes wear capes – sometimes they work at a modular building company in Yorkshire’. Okay, maybe that’s not quite it, but we are fortunate to have the best in the business leading our teams and helping to drive first-class compliance at every level of the business. But who are … Read more

Modular future-proofing is a gift to construction

Modular building might not be the new kid on the construction block, but it will be instrumental to shaping the future of the industry and the built environment. As a leading offsite manufacturer, we are committed to accelerating the uptake of modular solutions and showing the world the scale, innovation and agility that can be … Read more