Launched at the start of National Apprenticeship Week, the Premier Modular Training Academy will see their intake of apprentices treble.

This exciting new initiative will help to develop the next generation of modular building specialists as part of Premier’s ambitious growth plans.
Premier Modular recently appointed a dedicated Training and Development Officer who is now responsible for developing and implementing their specialist offsite construction training programmes, initially based around carpentry and joinery skills.
Once apprentices have completed the initial 18-to-24 month scheme, they have the opportunity to participate in further training programmes to progress from semi- to multi- and then fully-skilled levels, benefiting from career advancement and all the associated benefits.
Premier are also looking to identify ‘rising stars’ from the Academy, who they can support to progress into leadership and management positions – the sky really is the limit!
According to Annelee Roscoe, Premier’s Head of HR , “We are offering fantastic opportunities, particularly for the 18-to-25 year age group, which has been so adversely affected by the pandemic.”
“We are providing significant investment, commitment and career focus for candidates interested in starting a career in offsite construction – the fastest growing sector in UK construction.”
Premier Modular will work with training partners East Riding College and Hull Training Centre to deliver the new technical programmes and are providing apprentices with the opportunity to work across every area of modular building production.
For more details about apprenticeship opportunities at Premier Modular email